
the man who knew too much

i love the internet. really, what's not to like?

everything you'd ever want is right at your fingertips. religious, secular, artful, obscene, geeky and athletic alike. many things claim to have something for everyone, but it's truly the case on the InterWeb.

by the way, information superhighway, while a clever, high-tech sounding nickname, probably isn't the best description. i'd go with information bazaar.

somedays, i feel like a man at a buffet. so many things look interesting. so many things worthy of trying. so many things worthy of a second helping. so many things being added to the menu. aah, but so little time.

it's then that i wonder if there isn't too much stuff out there. we try to guard against gluttony of the physical appetite. but is there a problem with intellectual gluttony? is it possible to know too much?

does that make me crazy? possibly....

there's something beautiful about mystery (and vice versa). why else would we get tired of the routine? knowing what's to come gets old after awhile. so here's to striking that healthy balance between gluttony and restraint. between adventure and the routine. enjoy the bizarre...and the bazaar!

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